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The book « Edison Denisov`s Recognition » is written to D.I.Shulgin – by one of leading domestic musicologists, the author of some books and the textbooks which have won wide recognition in our country and abroad, including such, as « Years of uncertainty Alfred Schnitke », « Theoretical bases of modern harmony », « The Manual under the acoustical harmonious analysis », « Creativity - life of Victor Ekimovsky » (in commonwealth with musicologist Т.V. Shevchenko), « Modern features of a composition of Victor Ekimovsky ». The maintenance(contents) of this book decided(solved) in a genre of " monographic conversations ", is devoted to creativity of the outstanding Russian composer, his public life, numerous and not ordinary sights of this most talented musician and the philosopher on every possible aspects of art of XX century and art of last centuries, on performing activity of many domestic and foreign musicians, including, connected with his own compositions, and also on creativity and outlook of composers much modern and previous to him, artists, poets and writers. In the book E.V. Denisov''s detailed analyses of own compositions, his positive and sincere - self-critical estimations of these compositions are submitted, it is in detail told about a history of their creation, about the first and the subsequent successful or, on the contrary, not always successful execution(performance) and very much - very much the friend. The book is written on the basis of the materials taken from exclusive conversations of its author with Edison Denisov, years taking place during lines, since 1994 and down to penultimate months of his life. The text of the edition of the book, idea and the materials put in its basis, were formed during the period with 1985 for 1997, and the book has been published in 1998.

4905000000 ББК 85.31
Ш 982-98 Ш 96

ISBN 5-85285-183-3

© Shulgin Dmitry Iosifovich
Monographic research

... music is language to which we speak more often that we can not that we do not want or simply even we are afraid to tell a word, and language this much wider and much about the greater speaking, than any word...
… if the artist actually so talented … is so sensitive to that it is possible to name a certain unknown and maximum(supreme) secret only then all this … starts … both to be reflected, and to leave a trace in his(its) composition, and only then this composition and becomes eternal.
... it is impossible to reproduce the form of one composition in the friend... Each composition... As an alive essence, as soul human and consequently it should have only the and only the unique form...
The composition if in it(him) there is no perfect architecture, … falls the same as also any badly constructed house... If you do not know the craft, – and craft it – craft technical, it that refers to as professionalism, – that all buildings which you build, all of them will be constructed badly...
Creative intuition at the composition of music... Always is near to creative reason.

Chapter(Head) 1 About ITSELF, About OTHERS, About MUCH...

–.. Edison Vasiljevich, and you recollect the childhood sometime?
– The childhood?... Well, it, perhaps, the most difficult question... About it(him) you should talk to my mum. To it(her), the truth, already for eighty, but memory at it(her) wonderful...
Well, certainly, something I recollect sometimes...
What it was, my childhood? Probably, not cloudless and, probably, not always happy... Well, in general, as at all normal people...
... I very for a long time was not in the Tomsk, in my opinion, about thirty years... Perhaps, hardly is longer. But here is how that, about three - four years ago, I have gone there with an author''s concert, and, know, all appeared such interesting, such familiar: when I again have walked on this street the Wing - ва where lived long years (in my opinion, even earlier she(it) referred to Tile street), has looked at this native old house... Two-storeyed... Wooden (Tomsk in fact was always well-known for the wooden architecture); has then come in a court yard, has risen on the second floor, in an apartment, the truth, has not gone – something has not allowed enter, and has simply risen on a ladder upward and was took for a handrail (I very much liked to be rolled by the boy on this handrail directly on a ground floor); even a shed in a court yard where all of us were hidden and played – all this was so well...
Well, and in general, certainly... Time was heavy, difficult.
I have lost the father early, and saw it is not enough... Unfortunately, it is not enough – it(he) worked constantly much, and frequently outside of our city, and last years – even in Novosibirsk. It, by the way, was very much gifted engineer the radiophysicist and one of pioneers of our TV: I met his(its) name in all technical directories, down to the Big Soviet encyclopedia. It(he), for example, has directly organized the radio station first in the Western Siberia broadcasting, has collected as well the short-wave radio transmitter first in Siberia, and still I remember, that it(he) worked even above any special musical device for support немых films. In general, certainly, the person it(he) was very uncommon...
– And how your mum concerned to his(its) these hobbies and such obviously to hard work?
– They always were close people...
– In what years all this occured?
– Father was born in 1906, and has died in Novosibirsk in thirty with small years directly before the beginning of war, I was born in 29 year – and consider...
– It(Him) called Vasily...?
– Vasily Grigorjevich Denisov. And mum – Antonina Ivanovna Titov.
– And when was born Antonina Ivanovna?
– In 1905. She(it) for one year was more senior than the father.
– Your mum worked?
– Certainly, worked. She(it) all time worked both the doctor, and the radiologist; she(it) was the class expert on a tuberculosis and even the post of the head physician regional Tomsk tubercular clinic held. And when war her(it) have taken away in army began(started) and have made the chief of hospital. It also was, perhaps, the most difficult for us time: war, is not present the father, I – for the grown-up, two more sisters – younger the little was more than year – all this was very hard, and, certainly, it was very difficult for mum of one. (to tell the truth, with us the grandmother – mother of the father still(even) lived, but she(it) is strong was sick and has soon died.) And mum – I think, that it was basically because of us, even has been released(exempted) for some time from cares on hospital. And now I still well remember, how she(it) came to us in the military form – I have its(her) such photo – and always, in spite of on anything, looked very beautiful woman...
– Edison Vasiljevich, something is known to you about an origin of your surname?
– About an origin of a name it is known, and about an origin of a surname... No.
– A name, obviously, in honour of the well-known American?
– Naturally. And differently, how I could be named?.. So in due course will be already two well-known Edisons. Well, it, certainly, a joke.
– Who knows?..
– Anybody!
– Where you were born the daddy and mum?
– I precisely know, that they it came from city of Ust Kamenogorsk of Altai.
– You Russian?
– Yes.
– On both lines?
– Both on parent, and on fatherly – entirely. Unfortunately, I do not have any impurity of what now everyone are proud. It is not present. I do not know: well it or is bad, but my blood only Russian.
– In your house music sounded?
– Yes, father sometimes played the piano. But it(he) was, certainly, simply the fan(amateur) and basically played foxtrots.
– Under notes?
– No, it seems to me, on hearing.
And mum always very much liked something to sing during domestic has put. At it(her) the fine hearing, but she(it) was, I of it the truth precisely know, apparently, studied in music specially.
And still I remember, that when she(it) wanted to give me to musical school, I to it(her) with indignation have told: “ Mum! One little girls in the same place study, and I there for what to study I shall not go! ”.
– And when it was not so a shame to you to go to it "девчачье" an institution?
– Well, it has come much later when I have already ended a comprehensive school.
And, at this musical school I under self-instruction manuals studied to play at once on several national tools. And anybody to this did not force me. Probably, it has taken place also because we the neighbour on an apartment (it(he), apparently, was the chemist on a speciality) rather frequently played on a mandoline, and it obviously was pleasant to me, because I just and took the first lessons of such game from him(it). And then I began, almost at once, to study to play both on a guitar, and on a balalaika. But has especially grown fond all the same of a mandoline and, in general, was taught(learnt) to play on it(her) rather decently.
Still it was important here, in my opinion, and that somewhere in forty fourth, or, more likely, in forty fifth even, at us such small amateur ensemble with which I rather frequently acted in military hospitals with concerts was organized.
– And on what tool you played this ensemble?
– Only on a mandoline.
I even remember, that played on it(her) Скрипичный concert Tchaikovsky. And as there also build, and аппликатура same, as well as on a violin always it was then rather easy for me to write for this tool. I, for example, perfectly knew, what it is convenient to take chords on a violin and what are not present.
And then I have wanted to study in game on a grand piano and have gone – as I already was enough adult, and about any musical school could not be and speeches, – have gone on evening rates of music education. I remember, that employment(occupations) on them passed rather far from a house and as at us the tool was not I went also in the evenings to be engaged also in a kindergarten. It(he) was near to the house. And then mum has bought a grand piano, certainly, not so good – money was not, but there was a pleasure. I was a lot of hours carried out(spent) behind it(him), played from music much, a little bit tried myself in improvisation, that is all time is visible felt necessity any of constant dialogue with music. And consequently in 46 year when I have ended a comprehensive school, I have decided to act and have acted(arrived) simultaneously and on фортепианное branch of Tomsk musical school, and in the state university.
– Tell, please, these rates were at school?
– No. Simply usual rates for fans(amateurs).
– And for a long time your employment(occupations) proceeded there?
– And I already also do not remember. The year, two, maybe, one and a half. I simply very much would like to be prepared in school.
– Who from teachers of school especially liked you?
– On a piano I was engaged at Olga Abramovny Kotljarevskoj. The fine teacher, the musician remarkable. But especially important for me there were meetings with Eugeny Nikolaevichem Korchinskim. I for the first time consulted on it(him) about the earliest compositions. They also were my first teachers on music, and about each of them I till now recollect with the big gratitude.
Olga Abramovna is there was not simply a teacher who learns(teaches) as to lift or how to put fingers. She(it) lived music, passionately loved her(it). The pupils simply adored. Very good and kind person. I remember, that all of us without exception calibrated to it(her) the secrets, shared impressions and very much her(it) loved. And on lessons went with what pleasure (both on the, and on another''s, by the way).
And Eugeny Nikolaevich – the person some other warehouse. The person a little bit dryish such, very constrained; the pupil Roman - Korsakova, the truth not Nikolay Andreevicha, and someone from members of his(its) family, precisely I do not remember; the musician with the fine Petersburg formation(education), strongly connected to Nikolay Andreevicha Rimskogo-Korsakova''s this remarkable school. Practically I passed all theoretical subjects only at him(it).
Is it was interesting?
– I think, that everyone should pass through it. It is necessary basis of musical thinking, hearing, memory. In it(him) – all that is in the first lessons of the child when it(him) learn(teach) to go correctly, or in those employment(occupations) of the beginning(starting) pianist where to it(him) put fingers, elbows, learn(teach) to art of a pedal and so on.
– You had any problems in studying theoretical subjects?
– Certainly, were. It was bad from solfeggio as late I started to be engaged in him(it), and by then at me the hearing has not been advanced how it it would be desirable. In fact for the composer development of hearing and internal and external is one of the main conditions of active work. And for me it appeared also a fatal obstacle at receipt in the Moscow conservatory. In fact when I have arrived to act in it(her), I not only under the composition have failed, but also on solfeggio too: I could not write a dictation because we in school not that that трехголосных, but even for two voicesdid not write dictations. It was my big trouble, that in Tomsk teaching of solfeggio was conducted worse than ever.
– And harmony?
– On harmony it was better, but as it was found out already then, in conservatoire study, too it is not wide enough and classically.
It was the best way with the analysis as Korchinsky in him(it) basically and was engaged. And it for me as future composer was very necessary. It(he) is well skilful to connect technics(technical equipment) with art result and, thus, somehow gradually, imparted love to the analysis of music of different composers, pawned in us need(requirement) constantly to search for communications(connections) meanwhile, that is pleasant in music, and what ways the composer comes to this.
– Korchinsky the theorist on a speciality was?
– Certainly. And besides from Leningrad.
– Why from Leningrad?
– And it(he), as well as very much many other experts of this city, in a wartime has been evacuated to us to Tomsk. And speaking frankly, to us here – both in school, and at university – in this respect has very much carried. In particular, I and the diploma university wrote at completely remarkable person, clever, original which rendered huge influence on me and as on the person, and mathematics, and even the musician. It was Zahar Ivanovich Klementyev.
– And why and “ even the musician ”?
– Surprisingly bright person, because: knew not only mathematics, but also the literature art in huge number and very much, very much love music.
– You worked from a piano much?

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